By admin — 24 June 2024
Top 5 Creative Ideas for Small Coffee Shop Interior Design
Remember when you would hang out with your friends in the grounds and play areas, down in the society, and anywhere randomly in the whole area or even outside? Well, those parks and play areas have now been replaced by coffee shops in this age. The venue for each hangout has changed; coffee shops are the new matchmakers as well.
These are the places where stories are created, relations are made and sometimes these hangouts may have the caliber to leave a great impact on you. Now one may argue that the effects of these hangouts have been due to the company that they have rather than the “cafe” that they are going to. Though that might be partly true, we would say that the environment, the vibe of the place and the decor of the place have a fair amount of manipulative skills as well, without doing anything, that dark blue rug hanging randomly on the wall may make your dopamine rush due to how mind stimulating it is just to look at it.
To help small cafe owners with their cute cafe decor, InOut Interior Designers are here to suggest some wonderful ways to get your business up and running in no time, with unforgettable visual impact. Here are some small coffee shop interior design tips:
Minimal All The Way
The beauty of minimalistic art is that there is so little to view but it leaves such a huge impact. This minimalist can be direct and passive. While people keep forming decor that predominantly gives direct minimalism as an impact, there are such beautiful features and hacks that one can use to create an impact of minimalism, though there might be major decor designs.
Another technique to attain forever minimalism is the process of “camouflage”, which creates the idea of there being many things hidden, which are present despite the delusion. Eg: A bathroom door that doesn’t look differently but rather stands at the center of the wall.
An Empty Canvas
White may seem like a dull and boring color if you think about everything that is “white”, specially when you know that keeping the prisoners in an all white room was considered a torture technique earlier. But trust us when we say that the best form of minimalism that can be explored is that of plain white. The walls, the doors and the windows. No! We are kidding, windows are to be glass, while a door can be played with off white tones.
White is a special color in small and compact spaces due to the fact that white makes things look larger in space due to the emptiness effect that one feels while looking at the walls. But don't be thrown off because textures are something that can be worked with here. Fluted, stripped, carved and designed patterns can be used on the white decor to make it seem different but in a way to say that they are feathers of the same bird.
Structure The Colors
People often tend to spread a lot of colors across the cafe to create a sense of cozyness around, yet it is not to be done when a calm environment is to be created. Color palette of a small cozy place shall be structured and well defined.
It is important to show alignment to the customers to show a better impression and to come off as more workaholic and settled. This is the first impression that should not be missed, mainly because it is the easiest to create, just be tidy.
Art Is The Center Piece
While creating simplicity all around the cafe decor, it is important to give fun breaks to the customer's visual rotation. When a customer walks in on the subtle colors and graphically satisfying patterns, it becomes important to provide them with a fun display or even a piece of art to distract them from that lightness. Too much calm can become boring, depending that cafes are to be a hangout place.
To fill in such places, you can use art pieces to highlight the place, an art piece like The Starry Night, which is a visually impactful and calming painting. It allows the viewers to analyze something and also the sharp color play stimulates the brain activity giving a fun and fresh feel to the customers.
Light! Light! And Action
The most important factor is lighting since it can enhance or diminish the feeling of cafe space. Furthermore, pleasing lighting also makes a bigger impression on patrons by influencing their mood and drawing attention to the cafe's finer points. For instance, it would be a smart move to use a golden or silver highlighting frame light for the art piece that you are planning to arrange.
The other way to use lights in your favor is to create light spots where the lights are least expected to have, for instance, a wall space. Carving out small holes through the wall and fitting impactful straight point lights may seem different but is a brilliant idea because it is the most unexpected one.
Inout Interior designers are the perfect group of experts for your compact or cozy space. Mastering the art of commercial interior patterns, we are the best interior designers in Ahmedabad, taking up projects of locations all over India, because why limit the artistic knowledge that you can provide out to the masses. We are the cafe interior designers that you didn't know you needed.
We aim to create a space for you that is in optimum of its functionality and also maximum in visual representation of your brand. We are one of the best ones out there because we don't focus on the art and decor but rather the significance of your personality into the interior, which shall automatically make any design unique to your brand.